Galleys and ARCs and Proofs, Oh My!

NetGalley must be the Book God's gift to us mere book-worshipping mortals.

I just signed up at the beginning of the month, and I've already been accepted to review several graphic novels. Don't get me wrong, I've been rejected for a bunch, too. But, behold the six beauties I get to feast on before the rest of the lowly book-reading world: 

  • Scott McCloud's Sculptor, Pub. Date: 2/3/145
  • Andi Watson's Princess Decomposia and Count Spatula, Pub. Date: 2/24/15
  • James Kochalka's The Glorkian Warrior Eats Adventure Pie, Pub. Date: 3/17/15
  • Jay Hosler's Last of the Sandwalkers, Pub. Date: 4/7/15
  • Penelope Bagieu's Exquisite Corpse, Pub. Date: 5/5/15
  • Boaz Lavie's The Divine, Pub Date: 7/14/15

It's kind of ridiculous that I've been (intermittently) book blogging for almost three years, and I've only just jumped on the NetGalley train. What took me so long? I don't even want to imagine all of the ARCs I could have gotten my greedy little hands on.

Are you on NetGalley? What has your experience been like?

Linking up here, here, here, and here.


  1. NetGalley is an amazing advise from personal experience it to make sure you don't request more than you can handle. I did as a new blogger because I didn't think so many would get approved.

    1. Excellent advice, though it may be too late for me to listen to it. I got a little click-happy. Can you blame me? :)

  2. Netgalley is very dangerous! But I love it. I need to do better about reading my books that I get from there though. Since I can download them to my Nook app, they don't expire usually. Great haul!
    Check out my Sunday Post

    1. I've downloaded the titles onto my computer through Adobe Digital Editions, and they all have expiration dates. But I have read that they don't expire as a Kindle download. Thanks for the info about the Nook.

  3. I'm actually just now closing out my NetGalley account. I'm trying to focus on the ridiculous amount of books I own. I hope you enjoy it! It is a great blogging resource. :D

    1. Thanks, Stephanie :) I am learning that with great power comes great responsibility.

  4. Hey! Thanks for signing up to my BB&B meme, see you!

    1. Thank you for the opportunity to share my blog :)


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